I’ve started reading through the Bible book of Job. It’s not just a story about a man who experienced tough times, renewed his faith and obedience and was blessed by God. It is much more and yet, something much more simple. It’s an incredible book about recognizing and believing in God’s supremacy over absolutely everything including Satan himself.
I read chapter 38 yesterday and again this morning. The first few verses really captured by attention as God speaks to Job. Check out verses 1 – 3:
Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, “Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.”
The passage goes on as God does indeed powerfully and definitively question Job and, ultimately us too, as we are spectators of Job’s situation.
It’s as if God is saying stand up and be the man I made you to be. And I will question and challenge you if I want to and, you will answer only to Me!
Humbling stuff.
I am reminded of God’s boundless supremacy over everything and everyone and, we cannot always understand what happens. People will come around us with their version of counsel and if we allow it, it does nothing but darken God’s counsel. Certainly we must listen to the counsel of others but, we must also pass it through the filter of God’s word to confirm if it is God speaking to us through others. We must let God speak to us and question us because He loves us.
“Oh God, forgive me of any pride and arrogance. I don’t know why You are allowing the present circumstances but use them, use me, use everyone here, use this ministry, shape and mold the clay to Your purpose and glory. Question me, I will answer.”